Wednesday, March 24, 2010

SEMANA SANTA $3990 : Todo incluído // eco-COOL-tural BARRRANCAS del COBRE

Vive una Semana Santa ORIGINAL!

Barrancas del Cobre ecoCOOL-tural

Disfruta de la Sierra Tarahumara y sus impresionantes paisajes en el tren

SEMANA SANTA     4 días/3 noches (+ 2 noches bus)

SALIDA: miércoles 31. Marzo 21hrs   /   REGRESO: domingo 4.Abril (en Mty lunes.5.Abril.5hrs)


La Inmensidad que presume la Sierra Tarahumara y sus Barrancas del Cobre en el increíble paseo de TREN en 1era clase…

Podrán ser admiradas por ti en el tren el mejor de los anfitriones ferrocarrileros, llevándote a pasear por losmajestuosos escenarios de las Barrancas del Cobre y sus grandes guardianes, los rarámuri (Tarahumaras)

       No te pierdas este viaje único en su género con EL VIAJERO !!!


¿Qué incluye?  Ver imagen adjunta   (todo incluido, excepción las comidas medio día )

¿De a cuánto sale?  PROMOCIÓN ùLTIMOS LUGARES  Hasta el  miércoles 23 Marzo --> $4390    /// Después --> $4690

¿Descuentos?    Viajero frecuente

Si has viajado 2 o más veces con el viajero:  $3990 ($400 pesos de descuento sobre el precio de oferta) hasta el miércoles 23 marzo

Si has viajado 1 vez con el viajero: $4190 (-$200 de descuento sobre precio de oferta) hasta el miércoles 23 marzo

Corre la voz (dale forward a este correo a tus amigos) e inscríbete YA !

CONTÁCTANOS: cel.  811 531 06 52  |  | | facebook grupo "el viajero

Friday, March 19, 2010

Lonely Island - Boombox (ft. Julian Casablancas)


que hubiera sido de nosotros el fin de semana pasado si pipo no se llevaba su boombox a bustamante??

hubieramos eskuchado puro balazo…




Y se podía personalizar el bajo tipo reggaetonnn… ssss pricelesss


because a boombox can change the world!


Thursday, March 11, 2010

OK Go video for "This Too Shall Pass"



eefffiiinnn awesome!



A Rube Goldberg machine is a deliberately over engineered machine that performs a very simple task in a very complex fashion, usually including a chain reaction. The expression is named after American cartoonist and inventor Rube Goldberg.

que loco weee


me gusta el disco de estos weyes… aunke se vean medio jotillos

yeasayer – O.N.E

"O.N.E." by Yeasayer from Secretly Jag on Vimeo.

y tmb quiero un instrumento de lucecitas

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

he de confesar ke….


sabía de she n him… pero después de ver la película de 500 days of summer me hice fan de esta morra.


no baila taaaaaan chido ke tu digas, pero ke te valga no?

Coro de niños : Phoenix - Lisztomania


checa sus expresiones, aaay cochaaaas! :P


Think less but see it grow
Like a riot, like a riot, Oh !
Not easily offended
Not hard to let it go
From a mess to the masses


Monday, March 08, 2010

best grandma ever…


best granny ever…  is MY granny:


she’s sooo cool and lovely.



and the second place goes to this gorgeous lady:

Thursday, March 04, 2010

Jeri Ellsworth: will u marry me?

Source: Lifehacker

Author: Phil Torrone

Ed. note: Senior Editor of MAKE magazine Phil Torrone joins us to celebrate more modern-day MacGyvers as we continue DIY week at Lifehacker. Today's maker: entrepreneur and self-taught computer chip designer Jeri Ellsworth.

Pictured above, MacGyver of the Day: Jeri Ellsworth - Electronics hacker, chip maker, race car builder, pin ball machine maker, blowing-stuff-up'er...

Hi Lifehackers! MAKE is best known for sharing all the goodness of making things for yourself, learning new skills and many times, voiding warranties... Marcus Chan of the San Francisco Chronicle said we're the "The kind of magazine that would impress MacGyver" - and that's what this week is about. It's a little known fact, but MAKE even has the creator of MacGyver writing at MAKE: Lee D. Zlotoff! Lee is a writer/producer/director among whose numerous credits is creator of MacGyver (you can see his articles here). Let's dive in and meet today's MacGyver - Jeri!

Jeri was hacking, modding, and running her own computer store in the late 1990s—and more.. Quick, to the Wikipedia!

Jeri Ellsworth is an American entrepreneur and self-taught computer chip designer. She is best known for, in 2004, creating a Commodore 64 emulator within a joystick, called Commodore 30-in-1 Direct to TV. The "computer in a joystick" could run 30 video games from the early 1980s, and was very popular during the 2004 Christmas season, at peak selling over 70,000 units in a single day via the QVC shopping channel. She is a pinball machine aficionado and owns over 60 full-sized pinball arcade games.

Before we continue...

I live in an actual electronics factory and let me tell you, what Jeri made was really, really incredible. She reverse engineered and designed the entire Commodore 64 audio and video system on a field-programmable gate array (FPGA) and then managed to get it made cheap enough so it could sold on QVC. A FPGA allows you to design circuits after a chip was made—"an integrated circuit designed to be configured by the customer or designer after manufacturing." She went from prototype to a top-selling product, 70k in one day!

Just to be clear for the super-geeks out there, here's the photo she *looked at* to reverse engineer the chip; then in her head, she visualized the transistor layout and converted it to a FPGA. Thousands of transistors, weird tricks, dealing with skew timing and delays, process variability, sneaky chip stuff, NTSC video generation— this was an amazing feat. We could probably wrap up this article now, but this volume dial goes to 11. Let's roll.

The chassis picture to the left is from Jeri's late teens and early 20's when she hand-built a race car chassis from a piles of tubular steel.

Jeri recently put up photos of her "chip fab". She writes, "It took me 2 years to achieve my dream of making transistors and simple IC's at home."

Jeri recently said in an email: "Of course I love fire and blowing stuff up. Then, there's my addiction to pinball". I've included some more photos, videos from her show and other odds and ends. Jeri inspires me to be more Macgyver-ish every day, and I'm sure she'll inspire you too! Take a look at the many videos and projects she has online and make something!

The 52-Inch Etch A Sketch

Jeri builds a 52-inch Etch A Sketch from a HD projection TV, tent poles, golf tee, and gear reduced motors.

Nintendo Purse

Pictured above: Jeri Ellsworth showing her homemade (working) Nintendo purse at a semiconductor show the same day as a roller derby event she skated in.

And here's the video about the Nintendo on a chip and C64 that Jeri installed into a purse. It used a LCD from a portable DVD player and an 8 amp hour battery, which lasts for 9 hours.

DIY Pinball Machine

Homemade pinball machine she is working on...

Fire-Breathing Furby

And last, the fire-breathing Furby she made!

MacGyver of the Day: Electronics Hacker Jeri EllsworthPhil Torrone is Senior Editor of MAKE magazine, contributing editor to Popular Science, and creative director of Adafruit Industries, where they make educational electronics and kits like the TV-B-Gone and some "other" hacky projects that sometimes make the rounds in these parts of the web. You may have seen MAKE in bookstores, public television, online, or been to one of their Maker Faires (there will be 3 this year, they are expecting over 100k attendees!). His personal site is



Jib Kidder


me sentí atraído por los sonidos del M$ windows:


Windowdipper from Jib Kidder's "All on Yall"


"Havenhurst Prophet Posse" from Jib Kidder's "All on Yall"


from the Gnar Tape "Scrap Junts Get Gnard" available from Gnar Tapes & Shit


and to chill a bit:



more on

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Foals // Spanish Sahara (Official Music Video)


hoy salió el nuevo sencillo/video de Foals:



y hay remix tmb!, go get it at

Monday, March 01, 2010